My Mary Poppins Bag
I didn’t — I couldn’t — consider any of those questions. I only thought of my bag. If I could fit everything I needed inside of it I would be fine. If I only had the perfect baggage, I wouldn’t carry any invisible baggage of my own. The more consumed I became by the bag, the more I imagined I might need. But there was no way the bag could hold everything, until I suddenly had the solution: think of Mary Poppins’ bag. Everything fits into it, and everything returns to it. The bag will be enough.
Adding captions to online videos
Captions are an easy, important way to ensure that the information you’re putting into the world is accessible to as many people as possible. They also signal, strongly, that you and your organization prioritize including people who are Deaf, deaf or hard of hearing in what you’re doing. They’re one way of allowing folks to opt in, instead of forcing them to opt out.
Snow Geese, headphones and birding with autism
Being autistic has shaped my birding identity and experience much differently than the way most others experience birding. Being an autistic birder can be both a blessing and a curse. For example, I struggle to go birding in busy places, observe noisy birds, travel far from home, and go birding in a group with other birders. However, being autistic gives me certain strengths as well.
Why bird names matter to Birdability
When birds are named useful names that tell us something about their field marks, their behavior or their preferred habitat, they are so much easier to learn and remember for beginner birders. And when we do this, we make birding that much more accessible for everybody.
Birding with hiking poles
I used feel frustrated that my hands were full with my hiking poles, just when I wanted to pull out my camera and snap a photo of a gorgeous stream or some visiting Ring-necked Ducks. I have learned to stop, make sure I am standing in a stable place, then tuck my poles under one arm, freeing my hands to grab the camera. Once the photo is snapped, the camera goes back in its case, I grab both poles, and we’re on our way.
How Birdability came to be: An ongoing story you can be part of!
Once upon a time, a woman with a spinal cord injury who uses a wheelchair to get around discovered birding. Along with the joy of the actual birds, she discovered the fun of being part of a like-minded community, the perfect kind of exercise (that doesn’t really feel like exercise), and the health and wellness benefits of being in nature.
When the time is right: Birding with FSHD
My journey of getting involved with other birders while having FSHD muscular dystrophy is long and circuitous. (“FSHD” stands for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy — referring to the face, shoulder and upper arm.) It started out innocently enough…
How to maximize the readability of text
The readability of text is important — usually, that’s the whole reason you write something! Whether you’re writing on a website, in a newsletter, for interpretive signs or on PowerPoint slides, it’s important that your choices make your work as readable as possible.
When I hit the ground, I knew my life would never be the same: How birding (and Birdability) became key to my healing
Seven months ago, a hiking accident changed my life. Falling 20 feet through the air after missing the edge of a cliff lasted both a fraction of a second and an eternity, and when I hit the ground, I knew that my life would never be the same. I looked at my left foot, and I wasn’t sure it was attached to me.
Wheelchair etiquette and why people aren’t “wheelchair bound”: In celebration of International Wheelchair Day 2021
Every year on March 1st, the positive impact wheelchairs have on people’s lives is celebrated around the world for International Wheelchair Day. To help celebrate, we’re sharing some information with you about wheelchairs, wheelchair etiquette, and why you shouldn’t describe someone as “wheelchair bound”.
Disability need not stop the pursuit of an obsession: Legally blind birding
I was a 26-year-old physics graduate student when I became suddenly, inexplicably, obsessed with birds. I was innocently studying at a park one spring afternoon when the sight of a Northern Flicker somehow kick-started a need to go identify as many species as possible.
What is this “image description” thing all about?
Have you noticed square brackets and something called an “image description“ at the end of captions on some people’s social media posts? Ever wondered what they were?
Week One with Birdability as a non-profit
Phew! What a big week it’s been in the story of Birdability! Last Thursday, Birdability became a registered non-profit in the State of Texas.