Birdability Founders Circle
Birdability became a non-profit organization in January 2021. We are indebted to the following individuals and organizations for their early, vital contribution to the success of our work as members of the Birdability Founders Circle. Without their support, we would not have been able to fledge as a brand new non-profit. Thank you for helping ensure that birding truly is for everybody and every body!
Platinum members: Gift of $10,000+
The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas, using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Audubon’s state programs, nature centers, chapters, and partners have an unparalleled wingspan that reaches millions of people each year to inform, inspire, and unite diverse communities in conservation action, and is proud to partner with Birdability to do so. To learn more, visit their website.
Travis Audubon promotes the enjoyment, understanding, and conservation of native birds and their habitats, and operates three sanctuaries protecting critical habitat for more than 30 nesting avian species — including the endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler — and is world renowned for research and conservation of Chimney Swifts. Travis Audubon leads diverse and interesting field trips and offers an exciting array of monthly speakers and workshops, as well as a variety of popular programs including Birdathon, Purple Martin Parties, and several different seasonal bird counts and surveys. To learn more about their work, visit their website.
Gold members: Gift of $7,500+
Brian Snape
“ZEISS sees itself as a true community partner and believes in supporting causes championing the inclusiveness Birdability seeks to develop an awareness for,” said Rich Moncrief, Manager, New Business Development, Nature and Observation. ZEISS provides financial support and optics to Birdability to support our work ensuring birding truly is for everybody! For more information, read the press release announcing this relationship.
Silver members: Gift of $5,000+
El Segundo Ranch -- L2 – is a family partnership whose values align with the founding principles of Birdability: Vision, Courage, Purposeful Organization and Execution, Reverence for the Natural World, Obligation to Community, and Congeniality. We applaud and support independent organizations that accept the challenge of making our world a better place. Birdability is such an organization.
Bronze members: Gift of $2,500+
Grohne Family Foundation
Jim Hassinger
Charlise Hill-Larson & Peter Larson
Michael Hurben and Claire Strohmeyer
Ann and Bruce McGregor
Cathryn and Maya Rose and Judy Kinne
The Hanson Family
American Bird Conservancy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving wild birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. With an emphasis on achieving results and working in partnership, we take on the greatest problems facing birds today, innovating and building on rapid advancements in science to halt extinctions, protect habitats, eliminate threats, and build capacity for bird conservation. Find us on abcbirds.org, Facebook, Instagram, and X/Twitter (@ABCbirds).
Free Wheelchair Mission is a humanitarian, faith-based nonprofit that designs and manufactures cost-efficient, durable wheelchairs for individuals living with disabilities in developing countries. In collaboration with a worldwide network of like-minded partners, Free Wheelchair Mission has distributed more than 1.2 million wheelchairs in 94 countries around the world since 2001, providing renewed dignity, independence, and hope through the gift of mobility, all at no cost to the recipient. With an estimated 75 million people around the world who are in need of a wheelchair, Free Wheelchair Mission continues in its mission to provide the life-transforming gift of mobility. Learn more at freewheelchairmission.org
Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance is passionate about sharing the joy of birds! Our organization is dedicated to wildlife and nature conservation in southern Wisconsin, seeking to protect, improve, and enjoy habitat through land stewardship, education, and advocacy. We strive to foster a birding community that is inclusive and welcoming to everybody. In our own work and collaborations with local partners, we are committed to offering and expanding accessible opportunities to appreciate birds and nature together. Learn more at swibirds.org.
The Harris Center for Conservation Education is a transformative force in the Monadnock Region of southwestern New Hampshire, where we promote understanding and respect for the natural world through education of all ages, land protection and stewardship, conservation research, and programs that encourage active participation in the great outdoors. Learn more at harriscenter.org.
Sea and Sage Audubon Society is a chapter of National Audubon located in Orange County, California. The chapter mission is to protect birds, other wildlife, and their habitats through education, citizen science, research, and public policy advocacy. As birders, we are intimately familiar with the value and importance of diversity. We strive to be welcoming and to include everyone in our activities, including those with physical challenges. Learn more at seaandsageaudubon.org
Land Sea & Sky was founded in 1940 in Houston, Texas, specializing in optics sales and repair. The birding staff at Land Sea & Sky provides consultative sales to provide customers optics that work for their particular situation. In addition to birding optics, these optics specialists have expertise in astronomy and telescopes, microscopes and more. Learn more at landseaskyco.com.
Tucson Audubon's mission is to inspire all people to enjoy and protect birds. We have partnered with Birdability and other local groups to hold accessible bird outings, review accessible birding locations in Tucson, and in 2021 we welcome Birdability as a valuable Partner at our Southeast Arizona Birding Festival. Learn more at tucsonaudubon.org
Individual members: Gift of $1,000+
Jayna Adams
Judith Bailey
Karen Bartoletti
Carol Bennett and Jo Wilson
Jeffrey C. Blalock
Elizabeth Brewer Chouinard
Frances Cerbins
Connie Erskine
Kathy E. Doisy and Matt Knowlton
Kathryn and Vincent G. Heintz
Tom and Patsy Inglet
Diane C. Louie
Sara Minton
Dr John Perry
Richard Steel
Jamie Strusz
Liz Urban
Vargo-Fine Family
Dwain and Rabia Vaughns II
Laura D. Williams