Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship Levels
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Birdability. We need your help to continue our work to ensure birding truly is for everyone and every body! If you’d like to sponsor us, please contact us, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
White-breasted Nuthatch: $10,000+
Logo in the opening banner of Birdability virtual events.
Large logo and link with top placement on bottom of home page.
Logo and link on Sponsors webpage, with 75-100 words about the organization and its mission. (Birdability reserves the right to edit any copy provided for clarity and brevity.)
Two social media posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter announcing the sponsorship and advertising your company, with 75-100 words about the organization and its mission. (Birdability reserves the right to edit any copy provided for clarity and brevity.)
Logo and link in monthly newsletters.
Permission to use the Birdability logo and state “Proud sponsor of Birdability” on company’s website, if desired, for that calendar year.
Black-throated Green Warbler: $7,500+
Medium logo and link on bottom of home page.
Logo and link on Sponsors webpage, with 75-100 words about the organization and its mission. (Birdability reserves the right to edit any copy provided for clarity and brevity.)
Two social media posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter announcing the sponsorship, with 75-100 words about the organization and its mission. (Birdability reserves the right to edit any copy provided for clarity and brevity.)
Logo and link in monthly newsletters.
Permission to use the Birdability logo and state “Proud sponsor of Birdability” on company’s website, if desired, for that calendar year.
Downy Woodpecker: $5,000+
Logo and link on Sponsors webpage, with 75-100 words about the organization and its mission. (Birdability reserves the right to edit any copy provided for clarity and brevity.)
Two social media posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter announcing sponsorship, with 75-100 words about the organization and its mission. (Birdability reserves the right to edit any copy provided for clarity and brevity.)
Logo and link in monthly newsletters.
Permission to use the Birdability logo and state “Proud sponsor of Birdability” on company’s website, if desired, for that calendar year.
Ruddy Turnstone: $2,500+
Logo and link on Sponsors webpage.
Social media post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter announcing sponsorship, with 75-100 words about the organization and its mission. (Birdability reserves the right to edit any copy provided for clarity and brevity.)
Permission to use the Birdability logo and state “Proud sponsor of Birdability” on company’s website, if desired, for that calendar year.
Greater Road Runner: $1000+
Logo and link on Sponsors webpage.
Permission to use the Birdability logo and state “Proud sponsor of Birdability” on company’s website, if desired, for that calendar year.
Photos of sponsorship level birds: Birdability Captain Becca Mathews.
Photo in page header: Rhianyon Larson. Taken during a Tucson Audubon and Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports accessible bird outing at Sweetwater Wetlands in Tucson, Arizona, September 2020.