Apr 18, 2024, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT
Via Parasio Park, Monterey, 100 Vía Paraiso, Monterey, CA 93940, USA
Trip Leader: Amanda Preece, MAS staff and Birdability Captain.
Description: Likely birds include Townsend’s and Yellow-rumped Warblers, Acorn Woodpeckers, Red-shouldered Hawks, and others! Birders of all abilities (birding or otherwise) are welcome on this trip. We’ll take every opportunity to sit and listen in quiet areas to better learn our bird calls and songs. We will walk at a slow pace to better hear and locate birds. This trip is open to all levels of birders! Bring binoculars if you have them or note that you need binoculars when you RSVP. We have nice ones to lend out.
Meet: 9:00 am at the parking lot near the tennis courts on Via Parasio Road in Monterey.The GPS point for parking is located HERE. This park is in the neighborhood up the hill from downtown Monterey. Trip Difficulty: The trail will be ADA accessible, with a few benches to stop at along the route. We’ll move at a slower pace to better hear and observe the birds and wildlife at the park. Bring a small chair if you like to sit and listen. We will travel approximately 0.5 miles with no elevation gain.
Facilities: Wheelchair accessible bathrooms are available at this park.
To RSVP, contact the trip leader at montereyaudubon@gmail.com.