Through education, outreach and advocacy, Birdability works to ensure the birding community and the outdoors are welcoming, inclusive, safe and accessible for everybody. We focus on people with mobility challenges, blindness or low vision, chronic illness, intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental illness, and those who are neurodivergent, deaf or hard of hearing or who have other health concerns. In addition to current birders, we strive to introduce birding to people with disabilities and other health concerns who are not yet birders so they too can experience the joys of birding.
Our vision is that birding truly is for everybody and every body, regardless of disability or other health concerns.
Help us work towards a welcoming and inclusive birding community and the outdoors by:
Tucson Audubon and Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports accessible bird outing at Sweetwater Wetlands.
Photo: Rhianyon Larson.
Learning what features make up an actually accessible trail;
Contributing birding locations to the Birdability Map (a crowd-sourced map of accessible birding locations, with details of the accessibility features of them);
Reading about ideas for you to be a more welcoming and inclusive birder;
Learning about the things that inclusive organizations do, and sharing this resource with any organizations you're involved with;
Signing up to receive the Birdability newsletter to keep up to date; and
Following Birdability on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.